The Agility Premium List is now available on the 2018 National page.
2018 National Specialty
The 2018 National Specialty Page has been updated.
New Titles for April 2018 Added
The New Titles page for April 2018 has been added which can be found via the Members Link tab.
Papillons in Fine Arts
Please know that as we continue to update our website that the Papillons in Fine Arts page has been revamped and expanded, now with better quality images as well as links to larger format images. Additionally, artist attributions have been added. Please feel free to enjoy. The link can be found on the About Paps tab as well as directly from this link:
Hall of Fame – Gold & Silver Butterflies
The Hall of Fame page for Gold & Silver Butterfly Award Winners has been updated.
2018 National Awards Dinner Celebration
The 2018 National Awards Dinner Celebration reservation form has now been uploaded onto the website under the 2018 National tab.
Top 25
The application information for the Top 25 has been added to the 2018 National page.
New Titles Earned
The New Titles Earned page has been updated with Titles back through 2012.
Pap Talk March 2018 Issue
The March 2018 Issue of Pap Talk is now available.
2018 National Updates
Updates have been made to the 2018 National attachments including the Catalog Ads Information has been uploaded.