I’m pleased to announce that PCA’s Nominating Committee Slate has been declared elected for the March 1, 2019- February 28, 2021 Term per our By-Laws.
President: Nicholas Forbes (WA)
Vice President: Marcy Wyrens (NE)
Treasurer: Lou Ann King (IA)
Corresponding Secretary: Kay Strohen (FL)
Recording Secretary: Beth Gray (FL)
Directors (in no particular order):
Mary Keith Welch (VA)
Carol Ochs (GA)
Diana Sayre (CA)
Carrie Blair (OH)
AKC Delegate: Arlene Czech (FL)
Congratulations to all Officers and Directors Elect!
Best regards,
Beth Gray, Recording Secretary
The Papillon Club of America, Inc.
According to our Constitution and By-Laws, Section 4.E. Nomination and Election: If no valid additional nominations are received by the Recording Secretary on or before November 15th of the year preceding the election, the committee’s nominees shall be declared elected and no balloting for the positions shall be required.